REVEALED: Here’s Why TV Stars Shashank Vyas, Tinaa Dattaa, Eijaz Khan & Others Are Spending More Time On Twitter
The time spent and love shared on Twitter has gone up two-folds. Wondering what we’re saying. Read on...

site Twitter recently increased the character count from 40 characters to 120
characters. TV stars who get much love on the platform share their thoughts on
the initiative.
Tinaa Dattaa
Yes it is indeed
a good decision. Earlier, it used to become so difficult to post something on
Eijaz Khan
My time spent on
Twitter has doubled because the characters have been doubled.
Priyamvada Kant
It’s great! You
can express at length which is obviously a good thing. Anything more would
actually make it lose its
Saurabh Pandey
Yes it's good
that Twitter has increased their word length because people want to say more
things. People's mind is beyond those 1 or 2 lines. They want to speak more and
read more.
I think it is a
good move. Helps people express their love more towards everyone. You can
already see more usage of the medium by people.
Rohit Purohit
I think every
time someone gets a better deal to express their thoughts, it only works well
for them. I can already see how fans have become more expressive.
Shashank Vyas
It is a good move
but it is important that people use this to express more love and less hatred.
It all depends on the user how they want to use this freedom of expression.
Rohit Bhardwaj
Social media has
become so popular these days that any kind of development to expand the idea of
expression becomes extremely popular.
Mohammad Nazim
I am not an avid
social media buff but I think the more power you get to express yourself, the
better it is.
Image Source: instagram/ishashankvyas/dattaatinaa/eijazkhan